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Our Tekkit SMP server updated to pack Version 1.0.2 and is now available to join. You must update your packs to these versions to join the server.  
4 months ago
Our 'The 1.12.2. Pack' server updated to pack Version 1.6.4 and is now available to join. You must update your packs to these versions to join the server.
4 months ago
Hello all!  Before we begin, thank you to our Tekkit SMP players for what can undoubtedly be considered our most successful server release yet. Server performance continues to be excellent, with us not experiencing a single TPS drop despite player counts upwards of 40+. We continue to commit to delivering the best Tekkit SMP experience for our players with frequent mod performance patches, feature additions, and more!Mystcraft Released on Tekkit SMPWe are pleased to announce that after a week of various re-coding, Mystcraft has been made (hopefully) more appropriate for multiplayer and is now live on our Tekkit SMP server! To ensure the best experience for all players, we've implemented a few essential changes to the mod:- Dimension Limits: Each player can create up to 5 Mystcraft dimensions. Every 14 days, you can delete one of your existing dimensions and create a new one. (More details on how to delete a Mystcraft world will be provided soon.)- World Size Restrictions: Each Mystcraft world is limited to a 1000x1000 block area (500 blocks from the centre on each axis). We may increase this in future.- Linking Book Adjustments & Safer World Generation: We've capped the maximum number of pages per linking book at 5 & removed overly dangerous world generation options.These changes are designed to ensure that Mystcraft integrates smoothly and that we continue to deliver the best Tekkit SMP experience without putting key gameplay elements behind a paywall, which SiriusMC commits to never doing — unlike many other servers.Thanks,Rishum
5 months ago
Our Tekkit SMP server has been released and is available to join using the following IP address: TekkitSMP.SiriusMC.netThe Modpack is available to download on the Technic launcher! Any paid ranks will be issued within 30 seconds of your joining. If it has still not been automatically given after that period, please create a ticket, and we will investigate promptly! If you encounter any bugs or issues, please report them to us, and you will be issued a bug bounty. As always, I do hope you enjoy this key addition to our network!Also, once again, sorry for forgetting to update the site! Please join the Discord for announcements and more! Thanks,Rishum  
5 months ago
Our Tekkit 2 server has now been updated to pack Version 1.2.2, and our 'The 1.12.2. Pack' server updated to pack Version 1.5.6 and is now available to join. You must update your packs to these versions to join the server.I apologise for forgetting to post announcements here. For up-to-date server news, it is recommended you join our discord using the link next to the logo!Thanks,Rishum  
about 1 year ago